Friday, July 5, 2013

when a midwest girl flies southwest

Han Solo and I touched down in Arizona a week ago today (no thanks to the Wizard of Oz-like weather in Chicago that delayed our flight by almost 3 hours).  And things are A-OK! 

So far, my biggest nemesis has been the weather.  Our first two days here, the national headlines were screaming “It’s hotter in Tucson than in Hell Cairo!”  So basically I've been a sweaty mess.  Normally I love the sun, but here it is like my mortal enemy.  “But it’s a dry heat!” they [cruel Arizonians, which I will become] say.  NO.  115 degrees is 115 degrees!  When I step outside I can feel all of the water instantly evaporate, the oxygen sucks out of my body, and the sweat immediately starts to pour.  So between my constant drenched, sweaty appearance and my semi-constant (heh) complaining that I’m hot, I’m surprised that Captain Solo hasn’t sent me back to sender yet. 

As for the actual cohabitation part, week one has been bliss.  So blissful, in fact, that I’m getting all mushy and lovey dovey and driving my man absolutely crazy.  The novelty of being around each other 24/7 is turning me into a love lush and all I want to do is snuggle.  Hopefully that wears off soon, or productivity will be low for the next… eternity.  The logistics of living together have been just easy peasy.  We don’t have any belongings yet, so we’re living out of 2 suitcases each with an aero bed and all of the food has to be raw or microwaveable—my specialties!   No dishes to wash, no meals to cook, no things to fight over, a handful of household rules (close the drawers, no burping loudly, Han Solo takes out the trash), and a bunch of love have made things pretty nice around here. 

That said, our moving truck full of stuff arrives next Monday, so I’m pretty sure the 14 Days Without Lindsey Crying record is gonna be reset… More updates to come!


PS:  Don't worry, the makeover for the page is coming soon :)

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