Wednesday, April 11, 2012

giving the milk away for free

Ever hooked up with a guy, only to have him blow you off later?  Not the greatest feeling. Plus, you have this mental image of a grandmother peering over her glasses at you and wagging her finger, saying "Why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free?"  It's the first dating rule you ever learn (usually in conjunction with that awkward Birds and Bees talk).  In the past couple of years, though, I've given up on dating games and rules.  It seemed kind of silly -- if I like you, and you like me, why are we pretending not to like each other?  Why not talk all day, and I'll text you first and hang up last?  So instead of doing the nimble dance that is dating, I've thrown myself into relationships head first and at full throttle.  Obviously that hasn't been working out too well.

Because the "milk" doesn't have to be sexual.  The milk that I've been giving out for free?  My heart.  I wear my heart on my sleeve and make it super obvious that I like someone.  I shower the object of my affection with flirting and attention and pour all of my sparkle into the endeavor.  But then I end up in situations where I'm giving more than I'm getting, or I'm just left in the dust. So now I'm realizing that there are rules for a reason.  They make you show restraint, and put up a little shield of protection until both parties involved are on the same level.

I'm determined to stop giving away the milk for free, and start playing hard[er] to get.  I've turned to the experts, and downloaded The Rules: Time-tested Secrets for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right to my Kindle Reader App.  I'm a little hesitant to put my faith in a book that advises me to get a nose job in the first chapter, but these are Time-Tested Secrets-- surely they must be on to something!  Starting now, I'm a rules-following girl (and I'll be sure to let you know how it's going).  So far I've only read to Rule #1, and I'm acing it so far...Rule #1:  be a creature unlike any other!


PS:  I got a haircut, so no more ponytails for me!  I have adjusted my doodles accordingly.

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