Wednesday, July 20, 2011

everyday is a great day

Well, maybe not.  But that's what our crazy high school health teacher used to tell us every day, one of his many catch phrases that you had to memorize for the final.  But today.... today is a great day.  My 4-inches-shorter-with-red-highlights hair rocks.  I'm so sparkly they can locate me in Ann Arbor from the space station without a telescope.  And I'm just feeling... happy!  I'm so blissed out on life that I'm practically levitating when I'm walking around town. 

Never mind that it's over 90 degrees and 90% humidity.  Forget that it's Art Fair and the traffic is terrible and my usual routine is thrown off.  Nothing can bring me down, because I'm walking on sunshine.  And I'm so giddy today that I'm dotting my "i"s with hearts.  Yeah, that's right, hearts. Happy Hump Day!

L <3

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