Tuesday, July 5, 2011

this is your brain on crush

I like to think that --besides some of the very obvious craziness about me-- I'm a pretty level-headed, happy person.  But recently, I've been just a little happier, and a tad more hyper.  There's an extra skip in my step, if you will.  It's because I've reverted back to my middle school self (and I don't just mean the extra acne that mysteriously appeared on my face recently)....

I have a crush.  And not the orange soda pop variety.  When a Certain Someone sends me a text message, my uber-emotive face lights up like a freaking light bulb.  It's pathetic, but it's also wonderful.  And that's why I'm proposing a new PSA (abovetheinfluence is getting old) encouraging everyone to develop a little crush (or 2!):

I just think the world would be a better place. 


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