Thursday, July 14, 2011

the zacklies

I'm not an adult.  I work 8-5.  I pay my car insurance.  I have retirement savings.  I pay my student loans.  I do that boring "adult" stuff.  But apparently, I also find it appropriate to go binge drinking on Hump Day.  Not so adult.  In honor of the massive hangover I'm sporting today, I present to you all the fun ways to describe/name a hangover (I'm so hungover I can't think about anything else):
  1. "I feel like a homeless man spent the night in my mouth!"
  2. The brown bottle flu.
  3. Tap dancing on your brain
  4. The Zacklies.  As in, your mouth tastes 'zackly like your butt.
  5.  The morning tremblies.
  6. "Did a monkey take a dump in my mouth last night?"
  7. "My blood feels toxic"
  8. The Irish flu
  9. Punishment for not offering enough to the Great Porcelain God.
  10. Run over by a truck.
  11. Katzenjammer
That's all for today, folks.  I simply don't have much more in me.  I've been Katzenjammed.


PS:  Nice work to Third Degree, Muhammad Ali, and Rumpelstiltskin.  How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.

1 comment:

  1. Third Degree.....that name decribes that person perfectly considering the fact that she can give the third degree and has had third degree burn's :)
